Consistency is a bitch.
Actually, she’s not. She’s not the egoistic bitch that judges you and keeps you in the same comfort zone.
Consistency is the “oh shit, this is it” photo you add to your (digital) vision board on Pintrest. She’s the alluring beauty, the fancy freedom, gorgeous home or bathtub filled with a million dollars. She may also be the 6’something, six-or more ab’d, feed me grapes and buy me stocks perfect partner.
And sometimes…she feels so far away from my current patterns. However, she’s not unattainable, just not probable. Not today – UGH!
She’s a choice. Each day to show up for my bigger why – to serve, to be a guidepost and a cheerleader and to fuck up corporate America. I realize having a bigger desire is never the hard part, but believing I am worth obtaining that desire is a different story. However, I am learning that Consistency is the yellow brick road to the Emerald City of my goals.
And all too often, I look at the road, and if I cannot walk it perfectly, I give up; never willing to look wrong, stupid or flailing. I walk away and find another goal. This desire to be a coach has been around years and years. I want to be the person who is able to be the best coach for my clients. I just kept showing up. I kept speaking about the changes I knew were possible for people. And, then, I added ME. My story, my experience, my beliefs, my successes.
What I learned is that this path of consistency is choosing both me AND my clients, me AND my future family, me AND people in relationship with me. Choosing only them, unsurprisingly, only got me so far. Choosing me with CONSISTENCY has gotten me to reach my goals and so much more.
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